
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Warhammer 40k Space Marine Review

 Today I'm writing a review for Warhammer 40000 Space Marine. This game was published in 2011 for PC, Xbox 360, and PS3. The game was developed by Relic Entertainment and is a third person action shooter. The game takes place in the fantasy world of warhammer 40k. You control Captain Titus, the leader of the a squad of Ultra Marines, and you have to defeat Orks that have invaded the planet Graia.

As I said before, the game takes place in the planet Graia that has a lot of manufacturing factories that build weapons, vehicles, etc. But the main thing built there are the Warload Class Titans which are huge robotic combat vehicles. The orks now want to capture these Titans. You controlling Captain Titus have to stop them. As the game goes on, you get a message from Inquisitor Drogan which seems to be hiding from orks. Captain Titus and his squad go to his hiding location and find out that he has a weapon that can destroy all orks; a psychic scourge. They then go to where the weapon is and find orks there trying to capture the weapon. Captain Titus fights the ork but the weapon accidentally unleashes a huge amount of energy which does not effect Titus. The squad then find a location to detonate the weapon but when they do so, it has unexpected results. It doesn't kill the orks but it opens a warp gate to the psychic realm of chaos. It's then clear that the enemies that Drogan was hiding from weren't orks but were chaos space marines. The ultramarines escape, making a plan to destroy the warp gate using the titans. After destroying the gate, one of the ultramarines is kille by the chaos lord Nemeroth and he stills the experimental weapon. After that Titus and the other Ultramarine decide to stop Nemeroth before he turns himself in a Daemon Prince. He uses the help of Blood Raven Space Marines and also other UltraMarines. He then defeats Nemeroth when falling from a tower and then destroy the energy device by breaking it using had and again the exposure doesn't effect him. After he is saved, he is arrested by Inquisitor Thrax on the fear he might be corrupted by the chaos forces because that's the only way he could have survived the exposure. At the end of the game we see a computer message showing that the planet is under quarantine and capiran Titus is under interogation.
The stoy is fairly good. It has some good twists that are used in mostly all games these days such as death of an important person. Still it's not truely original but it shows a great usage of warhammer series and the Ultra Marines that are really cool.


The game is a thirs person shooter. The player can do both ranged attack and melee or close combat. The ranged attacks are using diffrent guns that you find through out the game. You start with a regular bolter and a sword. Other weapons are Relic Chainsword, Power Axe, and Thunder Hammer for melee and Vengance Luncher(Grenade luncher), Stalker Bolter(Sniper), Heavy bolter(Heavy machine gun) and etc. You can also use accesories such as Jump Pack, Grenades or power armors. Upgrade mostly come in good times after or before a big fight. The game doesn't have a cover system which really sucks and could have made it a lot better. Each melee weapon has a special combo which you can use. There is also stuning enemies which makes them dizzy and in that time you can perform a special attack which adds health to your health bar. The variery of combos are very small so after half way through the game, you keep repeating everything all over again. The game features fury mode and when you activate it, it gives you more power and your attacks are stronger. Also when you zoom, it slows down time which is usefull sometimes. There is also the power armor that gives you an extra armor.
The maps are good but you spend a lot of time just walking through locations and buildings and that is really boring. 
Enemies are Orks and Chaos units. Orks have around 5 diffrent enemies like gretchins or heavy weapon orks or even rocket lunchers. Chaos are also around 5 groups like daemons or Chaos space marines. Difficulty is good. It's not really easy and its not painfully hard. The multiplayer mode is really fun. You have 3 classes; Assault marines wear jetpacks that confer high mobility, and have a good range of melee weapons to choose between; Devastators are slow but have access to powerful heavy weapons; Tactical troops carry rifles and are balanced all-round.

Overall, the gamplay is designed good but gets boring when you get half way through the game. Variety of weapons are good and multiplayer is really fun.

  The graphics is in medium to high level. The detail of the main character is pretty high but the other UltraMarines have a little bit of detail and have medium graphics. The enemies are also detailed poorly and don't have high graphics. The locations are designed nicely and with great details. The frame rate is good and never gets low. Overall the graphics are good but some stuff are designed poorly.
 Warhammer Space Marine is a great change in the warhammer series. Changing from strategic game to a 3rd person shooter. The game works good for most of the time but gets boring after a while. The game is a good game and fun. I recommend it to other people to buy and play.

Overall      8/10

Monday, October 24, 2011

Gears of War 1 Review

Hi, Today I'm writing a review for Gears of War 1. Gears of War 1 is a third-person Action Shooter. This game was published in 2006 for Microsoft Xbox 360 and in 2007 for Microsoft Windows. The Game focuses on Delta Squad, as they fight with an unstoppable enemy, the Locust Horde, which dig out from insinde the ground. They could be the last hope of the humanity on the planet "Sera".You controll Marcus Fenix, a former prisoner that is now fighting to destroy the Locust.


Gears of war is a third-person action shooter. For combat you mostly use your guns to kill enemies. But you can also melee using your chainsaw, or even it them with the back of your weapon. Chainsaw is a little bit laggy as you have to use 2 buttons to cut the head of your enemy. But when it works, it's awesome. You see blood splatering all over the screen. Your gun is mostly the Lancer that has a chainsaw attached to it. You can also use grenades but it's hard to throw a grenade and actually kill someone. The grenades always go where you don't want them to. You can use grenades to block the Locust drilling zones. You can also use a variety of other weapons such as Pistols, Normal Rifle, Sniper, or Hammer of Dawn that uses satelites to unleash a strong force on the enemy.
You can do Active reloading by pressing the right button at the right time. That saves you a lot of time. The Game uses cover system for approaching the enemies without being shot. You can take cover behind most objects. It usually works but it's sometimes over defensive. You can blind shoot from a cover or sneak out from sides or top if you can. You have diffrent options to move from a cover , like if there is a cover beside your with a little bit of distance, you can easily move between them.  You can also jump over low covers. In the game, you can roadi run. When you do this, you are half crouched so it's harder for enemies to shoot you. You can also evade and dodge grenades. When the player takes damage, the "Crimson Omen", a red cog representing the player's health gauge, will fade into the screen, becoming more defined with larger amounts of damage. The player can seek cover to recover their health, but if they take too much damage, they will become incapacitated. Once this occurs, a skull will fill the center void of the omen. Depending on the game type being played, the consequences will vary. If single-player career mode is being played, instant death will follow. If there is a second player, they will have to revive their fallen teammate. In multiplayer, the player will fall and be rendered useless until either revived by a teammate, executed by an enemy, or until they "bleed out", die from blood loss. 

The game is consisted of 5 acts for campaign. You control Marcus Fenix and you are fighting to destroy the Locust from their inside. The game doesn't feature almost any background story of how locust came, and etc. The producers probably left it out for the sequel, Gears of War 2. You don't know anything about any players and you just start fighting and doing missions that you don't know why you're doing them. The game has 3 difficulties. I played in Hardcore(normal) difficulty. The game was chalenging at some points but it only had like 3 boss fights that were really easy. The final boss was the easiest. You can kill him in 1 minute by just shooting him. The other boss fights were easy too. Normal enemies were sometimes harder than bosses. 
The game has CO-OP mode and you can finish the campaign using co-op. It also has Multiplayer that has vaiety of modes. Co-op is really fun.
Overall, the gameplay is good. Epic introduced something new and fun. It lacks story, background history and good boos fights but everything else is perfect. The combat is amazing, the missions are cool, and enemies are fun to melee. Gameplay deserves an 8.5 out of 10.

The graphics in this game are amazing. It uses Unreal Engine 3 and it works. The explostions, details of the people or buildings and the blood, they are all greatly made and perfect. Frame Rate is mostly good except in some parts it had an slow rate when it got crowded. But everything else works great.
It deserves a 9 out of 10.

Game was really fun and cool. Story was missing a lot, and the gamelay had few problems and it brings the game down. But still the game is brutal and full of blood. It's a good start for the series.
