
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Review

COD:MW3 is the 8th installement in the Call of Duty francise and the 3rd Modern Warfare game. It's a First-Person shooter game developed by Infinity Ward and Sledge Hammer game and published by Activision. The story continues MW2. After Mactavish kills Shepard, Price and Nikolai take Soap to a safehouse in India. Mean while, the russians are attacking New York City and other cities of US. The game sold 6.5 million within the first 24 hours in us and uk.
The story continues the story of MW2. Soap is injured and is evacuated to India where Nikolai has a safehouse with some allies. You control Yuri, one of Nicolais men. You also control sgt. Frost, a member of Delta squad lead by captain Sandman. You are defending New York against russians attacking the city. You force them to withdraw from city.
You control a bodyguard in the next mission in an airplane with the president of Russia. The plane is hijaked and crashed by Makarov's people. He finds the president and kidnapps him and asks him for the launch codes for russian warhead which he refuses to give.
Later, the russians start attacking Europe and use chemical gas in big cities such as Paris or Berlin. Task force one including Soap, Price, Yuri and Nikolai follow makarov's trail. They find his bomber and find out that makarov is having a meeting in Prague. Soap and Price take cover in a tower while Price moves inside the building of the meeting. They all find bombs in their locations and hear makarov giving them a meassge and telling yuri that he should'nt have came here and calls him an old friend. Price escapes the building while soap pushes yuri out of the building but is hit by the blast radius himself. He doesn't survive the fall and dies after telling price about makarov and yuri. Yuri explains that he worked with makarov and witnessed zakhaev being shot and the nuclear bomb that exploded. He tried to stop makarov in the events of zakhaev international airport but was shot in the stomach.
Price and Yuri find out that makarov is searching for russian president's daughter to use her to get the launch codes. They tell the Delta squad to save her but they don't arrive in time and see the daughter being transfare by a russian chopper to a mine in Siberia. The two teams attack the mine and save both the president and the daughter but Sandman and most his squad die. Price and Yuri attack makarov's hotel in the final mission. Price tries to kill makarov but makarov kills yuri before that. Price then hangs makarov and lights a cigarette when finally sitting down calmly.
 The story was great. Traveling to diffrent places in the world, witnessing the world being destroyed and landmarks falling (Eifell Tower). You take control of diffrent charachters that is really awesome. You also use a lot of vehicles in the campaign that makes it really fun. Some of the missions were really short while some were just cutscenes. I wanted the final mission to be longer and more difficult. Same as the final makarov fight. The story wasn't really something that you would love but it was pretty good. It included the same cliche elements that you see in the most games now. Still it wraps up the story of Modern Warfare series. You had a lot of deaths and also a lot of action exciting parts.


The game is a first person shooter same as the other games in the series. It includes campaign, the multiplayer and the spec ops.

The campaign has a great story as discusses before. Your objectives are like securing people, destroying targets, reaching targers, standing ground or planting explosives. You sometimes have to make your way to the extraction point after the mission is done. The campaign is single player but you usually get helps from friendly AI. You get to use a variety of guns in each mission. You can also pick up enemies guns. In some missions, there are ammo supplieing stations located around the map. Some of the missions require stealth but in most missions you can just start shooting people. 
In the mission Iron Lady, you control a AC-130 and you can shoot three type of weapons. You can ride or gun a variety of vehicles in other missions too. Like choppers or tanks. The damage is shown by blood appearing on your screen. The screen gets more red and at the end, you die! When you die, you restart from the last checkpoint. Campaign is really exciting and I really enjoyed it. Enemy AI is really good but still like every COD game, infinite number of enemies appear in missions! But still, that is a really fun thing. 


Multiplayer is the main reason most peopl buy this game. The addicting awesome competetive multiplayer where you kill enemies, level up, get attachments for your gun or call in support. The multiplayer has changed a lot since MW2. The killstreak system has entirely changed. They are pointstreaks and you ger points by killing poeple and also dong objective such as planting bombs in demolition. You can choose from 3 diffrent care systems; Support, Assault or Specialist. Support doesn't reset your killstreak system if you die but you also don't get all the good killstreak rewards. The rewars are mostly to support your team. Such as UAV, Juggernaut suit or SAM turret. Assault resets your killstreak points and gives you accses to a lot of stronger rewards like Assault Drone, Osprey gunner or Attack Helicopter. Specialist gives you perks as rewards. The game features MOAB: Massive Ordnance Air Blast. This is like the tactical nuke but does not end the match. It kills all the player on the map, disables electronics for 1 minute and doubles the xp of the team that used it. This reward is unlocked at 25 kills. This is a secret reward so it's not shown in the list.
The unlcok system has changed as well. You don't use currencies anymore to buy new weapons or attachments. Your weapon levels up as well as you do. When they level up, you can get new attachments and also special perks like Kick that reduces the kick while shooting. You also get new designs for your gun. The fun thing about attachments is that you can put red dot sight and ACOG scope on one weapon at the same time and you can witch between them.
2 New modes have been added to game. "Kill confirmed" and "Team Defender". In kill confirmed, you kill the enemies but it only counts if you collect the tag of the enemy that is left. You get xp's both by killing the enemy and collecting the tags, but only the tags count as a match score.
In team defender, you have to capture a flag and hold it as long as you can. Kills give you double xp's when your team has the flag.
MW3 has some pre made games for private match like Team Juggernaut or Infection. It also features the Prestige Shop that you get access to when you prestige for the first time(Level 80). It allows you to use tokens to buy things such as double xp or extra custom designs.
Multiplayer is really fun and as you see, many things have changed  from MW2 and Black Ops. The main goal is still the same and multiplayer is mostly one on one fight and you don't use a lot of tactics and team work. It's really addictive and awesome. In MW3, a lot of stuff are destructible. You can damage walls a lot but you can't fully destroy them. I really liked the multiplayer and I think that it's the best in the series.
Spec Ops

Spec ops is back but this time with Survival mode. You face infinite waves of enemies attacking you and you have to survive. You start with a pistol and after killing wave 1, you get access to a weapon armory where you get to buy new weapons and attachments. After killing more waves, you get access to equipment armory and then, the air support. Air support allows you to call in a delta squad, friendly AI squad, or a riot shield squad. You can also get access to air strike or predator missile. Survival can be played solo or co-op with another player. Enemies respawn in different locations based on your location and get harder as the waves pass. The objectives are back too. You get around 16 missions to complete and you can do it alone or with a friend. You level up in spec ops like the multiplayer. You don't get to choose your gun but when you level up, you get access to mote stuff in the survival armory. Spec ops is great.

The gameplay is great. The multiplayer is amazing, the campaign is exciting and the spec ops is really enjoyable. It will keep you playing for a long time after the campaign. Probabely 5-10 hours of campaign and more than 30 hours of multiplayer and spec ops.
Grahics & Sound 

The game runs with 60 frames per second on consoles and even higher on pc. The game has mostly destructible enviroment and you can destroy most top layers of walls or other stuff. The graphics are great. The level designing are kind of like MW2 and some buildings look like MW2 buildings. The blood looks really great and it actually feels great when you get shot! The sound effects are great too. Same as the voice acting, except one dude that sounds the same all the time. I didn't like the fact that your character never talks and is alwats just receiving orders, but then at the final missions you finally talk but still that wasn't enough. But that really doesn't take away from the great explosion sounds and gunfire.
MW3 is the best call of duty game made. It has great enjoyable campaign with a variety of missions and vehicles. It has incredible addicting multiplayer that sucks you in and makes you play it until you unlock all weapons and attachments. The spec ops is great. The new survival mode is great and is really enjoyable. Variety of enemies and air supports make it a great, awesome mode. The spec ops missions are great. Co op is great & the missions take you to the other side of campaign. The game is kind of similar to MW2 but still, its and incredible experience that gives you the best shooter of the year.

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